Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Week 3 coming to an end

Last night I decided to enter the weekly surprise for week 3 which is a blogging challenge for 12wbt, I have
To check the rules again but I think my blog qualifies, I may have to pretty it up a bit so it's easier to read, feel free to suggest anyway I could make it look better - I always like looking at pictures so will start posting some of my photos Blogging has helped me stay more focused this round even though I haven't done many posts. I have downloaded the Blogger app which I'm using now on my phone to see how it works, I think I have to post twice a week so the app will be handy when I'm short of time
So...... Week 3 and I have dropped another 1.4kgs which was a bit of a surprise it must have come from 2 weeks ago when I went to crossfit for the first time... I survived..and actually had fun but it still scares me. I feel a bit like the cowardly lion from the wizard of Oz - I need to find me some courage. I will start again next Wednesday and I'm going to commit to 2 sessions a week ... Even typing that makes me feel scared but it's in black and white now no turning back. I really admire people who do crossfit and I want to be one of those people. I have to convince myself that it's ok if I can only lift a broomstick over my head for thrusters...My friend Lisa who I met thru 12wbt last round was kind enough to take me along to her crossfit box as there was NO way I would have ever gone on my own, truthfully I felt like a bit of a fraud, I can barely run for 2 mins without dying and feeling I've lost a lung or lift any more than 3kgs over my head and here I was impersonating a crossfitter. Everyone was very nice there and made me feel welcome and they scale down the workouts to your level but I still feel intimidated - I do say "fake it till you make it." I will be a crossfitter. I will post my photo from crossfit doing thrusters - I upgraded the broom stick to an 8kg bar

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